Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Closing Remarks

It has been a real pleasure to be in this class. I learned quite a bit about things that I thought I knew already. To me that's always nice because it fills in the holes that were burned into your memory. I made a lot of mistakes along the way when it came to Bonus quizzes and assignments. Contrary to popular belief is also a good thing. I think it's one of the best ways to learn something. You get to see exactly how NOT to do something :) All in all, this semester was difficult not because of the work from class to class that was for the most part a breeze, but when work, personal stuff and school all gets thrown into the metaphorical blender and pour back out, things become a bit more difficult to manage. I'm grateful that I had some really understanding professors this semester. I'm glad that I believe in myself enough to keep pushing it sure did pay off. This is not a farewell to everyone, as I'm sure I'll see some of you around the campuses eventually, but this is a farewell to use as a class. Congrats to everyone who stuck around until the end! You did great. And with that I would like to leave you guys with one of my favorite philosophers, Alan Watts. Because you never really know what life throws at you is a good thing or a bad thing.


  1. Very glad to hear IS101-3003, Spring 2023 filled up gaps in your digital literacy knowledge ^_^

    Yes, our class may have ended but we will see each other in the future, in and out of CSN :-)

    Go for that Grand Slam and take your place in the hall of fame, Elijah!

  2. It was nice meeting you briefly, and I'm confident we'll meet again. I've personally experienced the metaphorical blender you spoke of this semester. Nothing we can do but keep pushing forward. Adieu!

  3. Life is one big maybe for some and what is fortunate or not is individualistic. Truly all we can do is keep swimming because time stops for no one, unless you're dead. Loved seeing your drive an and passion in the classroom. To quote Dory from Finding Nemo....just keep swimming!

  4. Cool story! Yes, I also believe that everything has a good perspective. When we are facing difficulties and feel bad, but we should know that we will become a better self after getting through them. "Never go into the dark side" that's what my COM101 professor told me.

  5. Yes, we live and learn from our mistakes, you did a wonderful job in this course, and I know there is a very bright future ahead of you.
