Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Cite Your Sources

This semester I made the ambitious choice to take an 8-week English 101 class. This meant that we would be writing papers at a much quicker rate than a typical 16-week class. I saw this not as a burden but as an opportunity to deliver papers that were of a higher caliber than what I am use to. One of the biggest struggles of writing such papers I am my opinion is the need to cite information. There are many times that I can recall data or events that I have learned about but can not at the moment of writing remember the source or sources over lap from paper to paper. Learning how to properly use the citations and bibliography section in the references tab certainly decreased the amount of time that I spent on sources. 

I took advantage of the placeholder citations more times than I could even recall. This allowed me to quickly make a "note" that I should cite a particular piece of information without having to come to a dead stop in the writing process. In addition to this, being able to plug in all of my citations in one sitting after writing my entire papers and quickly go through and plug them all into their correct locations was a much better way of handling source material. Anyways if anyone is interested in reading a few of my papers below are links to two of my papers. Both of which I wrote for my English 101 class. 

Interstellar Impact On Climate Change - An analysis of the film Interstellar and its take on climate change.

This Revolution Will Be Televised - An argument paper based around socialism and the Black Panther Party


  1. Glad to see 4.10.1 Citations and References yielded immediate dividend for your ENG101 work :-)

    Thank you for sharing your papers with the world, Elijah ^_^

  2. You must like to write. I myself is dreading taking my English class so I keep postponing it.

  3. I have taken so many English classes and they always tell us about citation. I understand the importance of it but still have issues while putting in format.

  4. I only wish this was around when I was writing papers. Writing has never been my cup of tea and citations and bibliographies were the bane of my existence.

  5. I enjoyed reading your argument paper! It is well-articulated. I took English with O'Brien and learned many concepts that come handy in my everyday life. :)

  6. It may takes us one to two hours to find the suitable citation for an essay. I would rather don't know what is citation.

  7. I love writing, my English classes were very fun. Thank you for sharing your writings with the class!

  8. Yoooooo the fact that you used something that we learned in this class and applied it in another is freaking awesome dude! When we were learning that, It never really clicked for me as far as when I'd be using that in another situation, and you just blew my mind on that. Next paper I'll be writing will definitely be getting my MOS-100 use out of.

  9. Because online information can change or disappear, it is always a good idea to keep personal copies of important electronic information whenever possible. Downloading or even printing key documents ensures you have a stable backup. You can also use the Bookmark function in your web browser in order to build an easy-to-access reference for all of your project's sources (though this will not help you if the information is changed or deleted). It is also wise to keep a record of when you first consult with each online source. MLA uses the phrase, “Accessed” to denote which date you accessed the web page when available or necessary. It is not required to do so, but it is encouraged (especially when there is no copyright date listed on a website).
