Sunday, March 19, 2023

Pace yourself!

I personally haven't really had a terrible time with test taking, however, I have taken some extremely difficult and rare tests that most people will never have to experience, luckily for them. I have taken the Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) test which is a test that aside from the questions being asked is in an entirely made up language. This test was issued to me by the U.S. Military to determine how well someone can decipher a foreign language. There was no preparation for this test for me, I simply agreed to take this 3 hour long mind splitting test and then took it. I have taken the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) which is a process that spans 3 days and is entirely in a foreign language testing oral, hearing and reading comprehension. 

To me, a major contributing reason as to why people struggle with tests is time management. I can say with confidence that keeping a solid pace is incredibly important. There will often be questions in your test taking career that stump you beyond belief and cause you to panic. Your frustration can build and cause you not to think clearly for the following questions. If possible, mark these questions for review and go back later. There is no shame nor harm in doing such a thing. Time management is even easier when you know how many questions will be on the test and how much time is allotted to take said test. Determine a realistic and adequate time goal for answering each question. If are able to keep a nice and steady pace and finish with 10-20 mins left on the clock you have ample time to go back and rethink those previous questions that you could not quite put your finger on. 

If anyone is interested in the DLAB, which I think is probably the most unique test I have ever taken, there will be a link below and you can take a small simplified practice test! (NOTE: There may be a few answers that are actually incorrect. My guess is that the multiple choices were moved around in their positions but the answer key was not adjusted.)


  1. Good advice of doing what you can then come back to the ones that stumped you so you continue to think clearly ^_^

    Interesting test, this DLAB. I think I will give it a try :-)

  2. Seems like a grueling test! Did it help a bit that learning a language in high school is in the test or not?

    1. I didn't learn language in high school! I went into this fresh!

  3. I fall into the category of letting a question that stumps me almost ruin the rest of the test. I tend to hyperfocus on the question and not moving forward. Next thing, I am trying to play catch up which causes me to panic even more. There is an art to being able to let go and move on. I just need to master it.

  4. Time management is indeed an important aspect of test-taking, as it can help reduce stress and improve focus. Thanks for sharing your experience and providing tips for successful test-taking!

  5. awesome!!! that you can make up a unique language with your sweet heart.

  6. Thats interesting I've never heard of an exam testing your ability to decipher another language, thank you for sharing this fun fact.

  7. Haha! Love the fact that you shared this bro, gotta love that training you received!

  8. There are three essential parts of test prep: content knowledge, test strategy, and time management. Although it may seem the most challenging, time management actually is the single easiest piece of the test prep puzzle to prepare for because you just need to keep pace with the required amount of time to complete each section of the test. But first, it is beneficial to firmly know the format and procedure of the exams you are planning to take even before worrying about the pacing. The number of questions per section never changes, so it’s helpful to know when pacing that you will always encounter a set number of questions (or at least an approximation of the number of questions).
