Saturday, January 21, 2023

The moment I knew I would work for a space agency

Pillars of Creation,
Eagle Nebula



“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”

                    ― Carl Sagan, Cosmos









    It is fair to say that not everyone knows exactly what they want to do for the rest of their life, just before they get out of high school. That certainly was the case for me at least. I had no idea what I really wanted to do with my finite amount of time on this planet. I knew that if I tried, I could learn how to do anything. I had this ability to learn. I always enjoyed engineering, however I also liked cooking. I got really good with 3D modeling, but then again, I always found cyber security fascinating. It took me several years after I left high school to set my eyes on a dream and really go for it. 

    So, now I am on a journey. It is very warming to know that there are still professors that truly do care about the success of their students and encouraging their students to work hard to achieve their goals. I am very proud to be a student again and learn from professors like Albert Wu. I hope there is a day that I am able to reflect on my adventure and thank all those whom believed in me. 

Now, allow me to take you on our vary own journey into the Cosmos. 



  1. Space? Your goal is definitely out of this world, Elijah :-)

    May you soar in your journeys to cybersecurity and the cosmos!

    Thank you much for the praise and welcome to IS101-3003, Spring 2023 ^_^

  2. Hi Elijah, your profile is amazing I love space and find it fascinating. I'm glad you found something that best suits you. Having the ability to learn and enjoy it will get you very far in life and I look forward to the separate journeys we are both in.

  3. I have always found space fascinating. I wish you the best in your journey of working at a space agency.

  4. I love your blogpost! It is awesome and I am a trekkie fan. ;-)

  5. Hi Elijah! Did you watch the rocket launch of Falcon 9 and Space X Dragon in 2020? I still remember watching it from home, as it was corona time.
    A fun fact, that was the time I was able to meet an astronaut. Dr. Sandra Magnus. Glad that I was able to give a painting of mine to her.
    You keep on pursuing your dream. You got this!

  6. Human want their deceases to be healed, so they spend decades of attempts to make medicines. You are curious about the cosmos, so you have to spend your life time to go for it so am I.
    It is my lifelong dream.

  7. Hello Elijah, It is fascinating to know your interest in astronomy and space. I think many students were in your shoes of becoming so overwhelmed after graduating from High School and having a hard time finding a career path. Although you seem to have your hands full with careers you can follow, I hope you find the right one that will spark your interest and can keep occupied for the majority part of your future.

  8. Hi, Elijah. I must say right off the bat, your Blog is by far the COOLEST! :) I wish you best of luck in your future endeavors. NASA would be luck to have someone with your drive!

  9. I was reared in a time where you had to know what you wanted to do right after high school. Gap years where unheard of. We were told to go to school and there you could find what you might be interested in but go to school. I think it is great that you have so many interests and took the time to find you niche. Though life is finite and sometimes all too short according to man, there is something about taking you time to figure things out. Good luck to you sir!

  10. Hello Elijah, since NASA’s projects are so extensive, general engineering skills are critical to NASA. If you want to develop a breadth of engineering skills to fill up your repertoire, consider majoring in a broad area of engineering, such as mechanical engineering, or opt for the broader discipline of electrical engineering.

  11. This is the coolest blog I have seen so far!! I like to cook too, in high school I took culinary as an elective all 4 years. Cooking definitely helps me escape.

  12. I think all the profiles that I've encountered have been amazing, but yours literally blew me away. The attention to detail that you've given and being able to use this platform to give us an insight into what's in store for you is amazing. I can't wait to read more of your blogs!

  13. I really liked how you put your blog together. Space is definitely awesome but like the ocean I am scared to know what is out there lol. There's just to much openness and i would just freak out. Do you want to work on Rocket ships, or be an astronaut?
