Saturday, January 28, 2023

Flight Control Systems

    From getting you to your favorite island, to getting man to the moon, flight control systems are vital to say the least. Flight control computing systems in a way run the world. Essentially they are used to keep an aircraft or projective on course. A computer gathers a bunch of data such as altitude, pitch, roll, yaw and velocity, then it compares the constant flood of data to a plotted course. If the aircraft or projectile is deviating to far from the chosen course then it will use the data to make self-corrections to bring it closer to the targeted path. 

    I was definitely expecting to get extremely good information from scholastic and primary sources, and I most certainly did. The scientific papers i found were really jam packed full of information. There were plenty of algorithms for processing data and basic fundamentals of flight control. I was very pleased to find this amount of information on this topic. What surprised me is the lack of secondary sources. I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but it seems that there was hardly any relevant information that even made the news on flight control specifically. The most interesting thing pertaining to flight control involved Russian missile testing. I really was not expecting to be this underwhelmed with secondary source information on something like this. However, I guess the subject is kind of a snooze fest to most people. Oh well!


  1. Flight control system as your choice of topic for 1.5.7 Activity: Identify Sources, makes sense given your previous blog post :-)

    Your observation of plethora amount of good information from scholastic and primary sources but underwhelming amount from secondary sources is not surprising given the technical nature of the information.

    One way that would change is if interests for the technical information on flight control system increases (e.g. from more space exploration, aviation events/accidents).

    Thank you for sharing the 2:29 min video on flight control system for a model rocket ^_^

  2. Watching movies, I've always wondered how those missiles follow their target now I know...DATA. :-)

  3. It is comforting to know there are people out there who are interested and passionate about such topics. Lord knows my brain cannot compute any of the above. Maybe because of the nature of the subject, there might not be many layman points of view. Just a thought.

  4. Can I predict something, in the future, we (humans) all are gonna be astronaut. :p

  5. The movie Top Gun reminded me of the crucial role of Flight Control Systems. They really ensure the safe and efficient operation of aircraft and projectiles by continuously monitoring their performance and making the necessary adjustments. :)

  6. Flight control systems are critical to insure passengers have a safe flight. I would only fly on a safe plane. Scholarly is a great source for not just school but life.

  7. Hello Elijah, your topic was fascinating. Flight Control in todays age is making what anyone could dream of and label impossible in the early 1900's a reality. People are able to commute from countries to across continents in hours, man has been able to land on the moon, astronauts are able to collect data in space while orbiting the Earth and who knows what the future holds. Flight Control seems to be an extremely important aspect of air crafts, the data and calculations comprised in a flight makes achieving the goal of a safe flight travel possible.

  8. Seeing these fascinating information about spacecraft, I feel much more curious with building a spaceship.

  9. Aircraft flight control systems consist of flight control surfaces, the respective cockpit controls, connecting linkages, and the necessary operating mechanisms to control an aircraft's direction in flight. Aircraft engine controls are also considered as flight controls as they change speed.

  10. Flight control systems are very interesting to me. However, instead of use for space I like the use for fighter jets, as they will always amaze me with their capabilities.

  11. I can definitely understand why there were more primary sources than secondary. Although I do not know much about Flight Control systems, I'm proud to say that at least I was able to see inside of an F-18 rhino and man it was intimidating!
